About Me

Hey! My name is Dennis Koshta, I'm a sophomore at UC Santa Cruz, where I'm studying to get my B.S. in Computer Science (with a minor in Statistics). I've been interested in AI and programming since my childhood, and so I've decided to create a website portfolio where I'll be posting my projects, research, resume, and other relevant content. You can connect with and learn more about me by going to my LinkedIn, but this website should have pretty much the same info, ith the addition of the project pages and their source code (in the github repo), which I welcome you to explore! Enjoy.

My Projects

A showcase of various projects that I've worked on.

My Resume

This is a one-page summary of the experience, skills, and certifications that I have acquired in my time learning computer science. It is only an overview, and omits some of the less relevant work I have done, so if you want to learn more about my projects or experiences, please don't hesitate to contact me. You can also access the pdf at this link.

Contact Me

I'm currently looking for a job, so if you have any questions about my projects, or would like to discuss a job offer with me, please feel free to send me an email or contact me using the form below.